WebHostingHub Review

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, September 25, 2013


WebHostingHub famous statement that you will be able to set up a website in just 5 minutes . Having been in business since 2001 , they also have a lot of experience in helping all kinds of people and businesses to create their own web pages . If you're an experienced webmaster or new to green , you can have a professional website , powerful and easy to use .

The company even offers a number of tools and free services that can help you be more successful . This includes tools for email marketing and even the ability to accept credit cards .

Plan storage :

Planning is hosting Web Hosting Hub provides a common plan . However, unlike most of the general plan , the customer does not provide unlimited storage space and disk bandwidth limitation . This means that you never have to worry about how much data you have, or how much traffic will be sent to your site . You 'll even get a free domain name registration and the ability to add an unlimited number of subdomains and add-ons . The control panel is the best in the industry ( cPanel ) , because it is as easy to use as a word processor , but provides you with a large number of features and power . Even with a 90 day money back guarantee to give new customers .

The company also offers specialized storage solutions deeper . Virtual Private Servers ( VPS ) and dedicated hosting is provided even for very large web sites and resources . These plans and prices offered on the basis of the case , if it is interested , contact support for more details . Other features on all plans include the ability to integrate with a basket, receive credit card payments and include options such as blogs and forums on your website .

Interest rates :

Ensure that your organization is the most economical choice is an important factor . The basic shared hosting plans offer great value for your money . For just a few dollars per month , you can have a professional web site , powered by the shopping cart system and your ready to start accepting credit cards and take orders . If you wish , choose to add your own catalog of products or databases , forum or blog . Your website is very compatible mobile phones , so customers can order on the go with their smartphones .

Customer Support :

While it is quite likely that you will never have a serious problem or question , it 's nice to know that it is quite easy to contact technical support . Staff friendly and helpful they are available 24/7 . They can be contacted via e - mail , through a form on the website . You can also call or even start a conversation online with faster response .

If you choose to try to flush out the answers to your questions , and searching on the web page . There is a page of frequently asked questions and a knowledge base to provide answers to most anything you can imagine .

reliability :

The real question that should always be asked and answers a series is whether or not your customers will be able to find your site . The center of this issue is the reliability of your hosting company is. With Web Hosting Hub , you put a 99.9 % of the time . You can also convert an existing site no down time at all , with excellent service is not offered in many other places .

Your website is safe and backed up regularly . There's even a free Backup Wizard and password protection for added reliability and security directory .

Ease of Use :

Build your website is quite simple with the editor or drag - and - drop using a template . In addition, cPanel allows you to add , delete , and work with the files in a simple task . You can easily see your statistics and perform management tasks with just a few clicks . When you are ready to install the additional performance , tools and services , many of them just a single click , including adding a blog to your website .

Bottom Line :

WebHostingHub is something your significant skills or techniques . You can have a website designed professionally that is easy to use , manage and control the work for you day and night .
More aboutWebHostingHub Review

Web.com Review

Posted by Unknown

Hosting Plans:

While many praised the comprehensive selection of web hosting company that offers a variety of hosting plans , may simply be an art form in itself and web.com very good at what they made . With such a wealth of knowledge and experience , web.com confident in your ability to plan for their unique storage and stacked it full of powerful features to appease both entry-level scene and advanced users alike.

With storage space unlimited bandwidth and e - mail accounts and plans web.com certainly hold its own against competitors . When you combine a choice of Linux or Windows server , extended support for scripting languages ​​and database tools , the only plan starts to look like all you ever plan needed . Users will experience the power behind some of the features included in the beginners will be satisfied with simple formatting .

price :

On a single hosting plan , you do not know if I would like the price or you do not . If there is not a cheaper or more expensive package to go for , it can be difficult to put your money down on something you're not sure about . Package Web.com ' s weighs in at $ 11.95 per month , with a billing cycle once every four weeks . While this is significantly more than some competitors' costs , it is somewhat consistent with the package " Pro " or " Premium " or hosting plans rival and can deliver a punch equivalent . Web.com will not cater to the limited budget , but at a more affordable price when you have a close look at what's on offer .

Customer Support :

Having a plan means it is quite easy to get support , can ignore the complex questions about the status of your account and your website . As a result of this, web.com feel that they do not need to provide such customer support as a large number of competing firms and remove the online chat function is very loved . Instead, they provide a system of support on e - mail and phone technical service . Do not depend on simple , we want to see more than a little help is available to customers .

reliability :

Ensure uptime from web.com is a market leading 99.99 % . Besides , they seem to hide the fact that all over their website hosting packages they are entirely wind powered . This is impressive when you take into account that they work great powerful hardware including Cisco routers , powerful backup and protection with backup diesel generators . It will take quite a storm to send your site if it is saved to the server web.com ' s . Advice & Resources section of web.com is a nice touch though, with articles and references on how to solve some simple problems .

Ease of Use :

It seems like flogging a dead horse to mention single hosting plan web.com ' s , but this is where it starts making advances on his opponent . When it comes to ease of use , nothing is easier than to optimize static and web.com system could make the service interface and its very easy to understand and user friendly through their simplicity . Customer support , according to our experience and knowledge and feedback has to help on the bit ( very little ) , we were stuck on .

Bottom Line :

Web.com may not be the best solution for techy or the business owner , but it occupies a happy middle ground for those who do not want to make any difficult decisions .
More aboutWeb.com Review

Privacy Policy

Posted by Unknown

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Web Hosting Review collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a "User") of the http://hostreview2013.blogspot.com/ website ("Site"). This privacy policy applies to the Site and all products and services offered by Web Hosting Review.

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We may collect personal identification information from Users in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, when Users visit our site, register on the site, and in connection with other activities, services, features or resources we make available on our Site. Users may be asked for, as appropriate, name, email address. Users may, however, visit our Site anonymously. We will collect personal identification information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us. Users can always refuse to supply personally identification information, except that it may prevent them from engaging in certain Site related activities.

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We may collect non-personal identification information about Users whenever they interact with our Site. Non-personal identification information may include the browser name, the type of computer and technical information about Users means of connection to our Site, such as the operating system and the Internet service providers utilized and other similar information.

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Web Hosting Review

This document was last updated on September 25, 2013

Privacy policy created by Generate Privacy Policy

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Network Solutions Reivew

Posted by Unknown

Network Solutions has been around almost as long as the Internet itself . As one of the founding fathers of the World Wide Web , Network Solutions has been in business since 1979 . There was originally a technology consulting firm , they quickly jumped into the Internet 's first and ruled from sleep . Today , they offer a wide range of products , including site builders , ecommerce , domain name registration , hosting and more .

The veteran of the company reputation and known for its power , but indirectly to all the services they provide . All packages are rounded , reliable and affordable . The decision to choose a web host should not be done without taking a look at what Network Solutions has to offer.

Plan storage :

Network Solutions has certainly had more time to refine the scope of their hosting packages and also solve the three -optimized package .

The entry level package is called " essential Hosting " and offers 300 GB disk space , unlimited bandwidth , 1000 email accounts . Also includes 25 FTP accounts , 25 MySQL databases , and access a variety of significant features of web development . range of levels of participation networking solutions are well equipped to deal with the housing needs of the people .

The average software package , called the plan " Hosting Pro " is more suitable for small businesses in more personal projects . This package saw many improvements , including a 500GB disk space , 2500 email accounts and FTP accounts and MySQL 50 .

Network Solutions is the level of " high-end storage and the use of this powerful software can expect unlimited disk space , email accounts , FTP accounts and MySQL databases . , While is three times the price of the entry-level plans so far are appropriate for large sites with high demand and is the only system suitable for medium and large businesses .

Interest rates :

Prices networking solutions can be a little more expensive than its competitors , but it is something that prestige and reputation to offer. Currently they are experiencing nearly 7 million domain names in total and this is a testament to the satisfaction of their customers value , they definitely provide value for money . A notable feature of network solutions hosting plan is an opportunity to purchase their contracts on a huge base of ten , giving you access to substantial discounts . The lowest rates come with the super- long contract , beginning with the necessary storage for $ 8.33 , professional hosting starting from $ 11.16 and premium hosting for $ 24.46 .

Another feature of controlled pricing structure is very clear process , with very little choice vis - à pushy and no hidden fees . For those with more advanced needs , Network Solutions provides custom WordPress hosting and VPS hosting two Sharepoint . WordPress hosting starts from $ 3.85 per month , and start SharePoint VPS $ 7.74 to $ 40.00 .

Customer Support :

Online businesses do not last more than thirty years without great customer service , and network solutions is no exception. They have a long list of ten different telephone line includes a wide range of topics , including domains , sites and stores , which means you get to an expert every time . Most of the numbers are 24/7 and many of them are free too . Network Solutions also offers support via e - mail , online chat , and a full collection of tutorials and articles on common problems . After being informed of the new trends for a long time , it is not surprising that they also may be in touch with Facebook and Twitter channel their activities .

reliability :

Network Solutions is in the club reputable hosting provider who can promise 99.99 % uptime , which means more than one year , you can expect your site down in less than a hours. Backed by their customer service for pound , Network Solutions offers a very reliable service that keeps insurance customer safety of their area . The inclusion of MySQL databases , develop functional and backup / restore features available only to increase the reliability and stability of the hosting plan .

Ease of Use :

With cPanel is a famous part of the plan of all network solutions , they can request to be extremely easy to use . Back-end system their is a very intuitive interface and a simple web page and short, Network Solutions is friendly for experts and beginners . Management and field registration hosting plans are easily arranged with icons and simple wizards to guide users through the process .

Bottom Line :

Network Solutions up to its reputation as one of the leading web hosting companies on the internet . It is better value to be found in the most powerful packages of them and make sure they are suitable for a growing business .
More aboutNetwork Solutions Reivew

JustHost Review

Posted by Unknown

JustHost.com is proud to host the final of what you need . Even a look at their website , it 's easy to see why this is true . It is not often that you find a web hosting company that is truly dedicated to customer service and there are tons of features in a shared hosting plan available .

Plan storage :

JustHost offers top -of - the-line shared hosting plans . The approach of the hosting company is to provide an easy to use platform that is affordable , accessible and powerful enough for anyone to use tool . And they succeeded . With their plans a store , customers benefit from an unlimited amount of disk space and bandwidth . And they did not stop there with unlimited features . Guests also have unlimited domains , MySQL databases , and email accounts to name a few .

Their standard plan includes unlimited space , traffic and domain name , but for those who seek to accommodate the larger sites , you may want to consider their level of professionalism . Professional Plan , which includes a free domain name for life , including dedicated IP addresses , SSL certificates site , and supports up to 300,000 files .

Tools to build :

In addition to hosting, JustHost your plane comes with the website builder tools including free insurance issues . Choose from hundreds of customizable templates and then customize with a brake and editor of the site down . Full integration with a number of shopping carts ecommerce , which is quick and easy to start collecting sales and income . If you want to add a blog or forum on your site , no problem ! There are all sorts of plug - ins and scripts included that can make this possible .

Interest rates :

One of the best ways to know if you are dealing with a top hosting companies are reviewing their pricing plans . For example , Just Host offer is not difficult to understand . You do not have to choose which option is best ( mostly guessing ) or the amount of data you think you will need . Also, you will not have to pay anything . There are no transaction fees and no installation costs , unlike many other web hosting providers . What you see here is actually exactly what you get ! Features , tools and customer service with simple low price . Customers also receive a no questions at any time money back guarantee .

Customer Support :

If you have any questions or concerns , you will be able to find help . Just Host is committed to customer satisfaction seriously . Clients are provided a number of ways to seek help . These include e - mail support group response ( accessible via an online form ) , phone support and even live chat . All representatives are helpful , friendly and very knowledgeable .

If that is not enough , there are many resources available to help you . There is a useful section on the site , and also has some great tutorials .

reliability :

In a first class server , you will be pleased to see a performance guarantee 99.9 % of the time . This ensures that your customers can access your site and place an order . Each site also includes SSL , now required for credit certificates online transaction processing . It is also something that will help your customers feel safe and confident about their orders . Your website will be regularly backed up and there are different types of backup systems to ensure that your website will never go down . The high-end servers , dual quad processor , located in a safe, state of the art installation .

Ease of Use :

All about JustHost is easy to use . The building site is a very familiar interface and access to all the information and your data is simple . The software will prompt you through the process of building similar sites and then guided to answer any questions you may have.

Bottom Line :

If you are looking for a feature-rich solution and low cost hosting , JustHost look no more . Everything is simple and you will be impressed by all the activity .
More aboutJustHost Review

Ipage Review

Posted by Unknown

Ipage themselves at the top of our web page from 2010 Top10 store location , and we do not see down anytime soon . Package includes accommodation all of them are designed to build and maintain an online presence easy and fun . Even the most basic plan is their easy to use website building tool , loads of marketing credits for free to get your website on their feet , and customer support award-winning restaurant .

Moreover, with an iPage account , you will also have to manage your account , or what they call your " successful partnership . " These contacts are trained specifically for you when you sign up experts and guides you through configuring your account and start building an online presence . However, customer service and ease of use is just the beginning with iPage . Read on to learn more about the features and specifications of their hosting services .

iPage is not just access . They are also dedicated to providing powerful web hosting service , which means you can rest assured that as an iPage customer , your website will be running at optimal performance . They run their entire system on Dell servers to ensure high- quality high-speed processing and rapid on-site experience . And using two OC - 48 backbone connection on different , you can be sure that you have more than enough bandwidth to support even higher traffic to your website .

You can find custom dashboard them easy to use and manage . There's also a built-in FTP accounts , enabling easy downloadable files , images , video , audio , and more . As a customer , you will also receive an unlimited number of MySQL database , which is very good to use catalogs and web pages on other network requirements .

Interest rates :

Know what you get for your money is always an important factor when deciding to invest in a website solution provider . Most other companies have a number of plans to choose from . These can often be confusing and difficult to read , not to mention that determine the best value ( or you ) . Not here . iPage.com a punch with them , including the hosting plans at one low price ! And with seasonal offers , sales and promotions , we found their prices to offer exceptional value for money .

Customer Support :

Whether you 're a technophobe or a passion store , iPage understands that every customer deserves a degree of support . In the reaction of customers of our testing , they perform better in response time , friendliness and knowledgeability . In addition to online tutorials , a FAQ section , and a comprehensive knowledge base , iPage also offers support via email , phone and live - chat for customers .

However, the icing on the cake with iPage customer support is their dedicated account . Register with iPage and wait for a call within 2-3 days from the management of your personal account . They are there to guide you in your hosting plan , and help you optimize your settings . They provide their working hours and a direct phone number , so you know you can be exposed to a real person is specially trained to help you .

reliability :

Reliability is also a major concern , especially with something as important as the online presence of you . Each site includes the legendary iPage 99.9 % up time guarantee . This is one of the most important things to consider is your website accessible to customers and visitors is absolutely necessary .

Your new site will also come with a set of enhanced security and equipment . IPage team managers monitor their entire network 24x7 at both locations and data centers daily backup servers to ensure your website files are always protected . Load balancing also ensures the reliability of your website .

Build a web page :

Today, customers expect more . That's why iPage offers more than just accommodation, they provide a complete solution for creating websites . Drag & Drop Site Builder product is free with tool design model professional and easy to use . For those who do not have design experience , do not worry ! Step by step instructions are included . It is as easy as using your favorite word processor of your . Crouse , control panel allows easy access to all the files and statistics .

Bottom Line :

iPage is a great place for beginners and experienced web professionals . The service is great and there are tons of features to help ensure your success .
More aboutIpage Review

Host Gator Review

Posted by Unknown

Since 2002 , Host Gator has been known as a supplier of top web hosting , and their reputation for reliability is still with them today . Recently, the company announced the fastest growing site servers in 21 countries , is to host web Gator easy, accessible and affordable . More than eight million domain names HostGator call their home , which is not small , and speaks volumes about the service and their reputation . With customers in more than 200 countries around the world , providing all Gator hosting packages and products for personal needs and similar matters .

interest rates

One of the main goals of Host Gator , featured on their home page is to provide affordable housing in the world . And , of course , they do a very good job . Their plan was to start what they called " Plan hatched their" lets you start with a large base of shared hosting includes unlimited space , bandwidth , subdomains and more again . It started $ 3.96 per month , with regular special offers ! Next floor up , " Baby Plan " starts from $ 6.36 per month offers unlimited domain hosting , domain name and unlimited fixed access to dedicated IP option . The business plan of the strongest they have a dedicated ISP connections and free SSL for $ 10.36 per month , and even throw in your own phone number .

Reliability and availability

Data Center Host Gator is located in Houston , Texas , where the company was founded . The data center features of their state of the art security , surveillance 24/7 , equipped top -of - the-line and more . This is what allows the company to provide their uptime of 99.9 % . In addition, Host Gator is one of the leading hosting companies starting to think green . Now they are investing in alternative energy sources , which they use to supplement their diet - regular use . They also provide redundant power to ensure that their systems are up and running , even in the event of a power outage or sudden disaster .

Panel information

Host Gator provides cPanel control panel which has become the industry standard solution . This means that if you are not familiar with cPanel , and need help , you will find so many people willing to give you a hand . cPanel is known to facilitate the direct control of all email , domain names , web accounts and more . In addition, it provides simple management capabilities , and the ability to monitor the production statistics , as well. With Host Gator , comes with cPanel Fantastico , giving you an easy to use content management system for your website tool .

Customer Support

In 2008 , HostGator has conducted customer surveys to assess their satisfaction of their products . A jaw -dropping 90 % ( estimated ) said they were satisfied with the accommodation and service their Host Gator . In fact , a large part of Host Gator name and reputation is built on their great support . If you have any questions or concerns , do not hesitate to contact their representatives via telephone , Live Chat , fax , or e-mail/ticket system . We also enjoyed huge database of their video tutorials , an information and products that will help you find the " you want the help , a forumn , FAQ . However , most customers agree that Host Gator is very sensitive , which represent the knowledge , and they can solve your problem quickly and efficiently .
More aboutHost Gator Review